A pure existence is not having to struggle before or after you speak. It’s peace.
To MAKE PURE is to Purify
PURIFY: to remove contaminants from
We must remove the contaminants if we want to be pure.
Purification is a painful process because you’re allowing the WORLD part of yourself to die.
What are the contaminants??
The Four Horseman
The Four Horseman keep our sins captive.
Denial keeps our issues far from reality.
How does God remove our denial?
The purity of reality.
Let others speak truth into your life.
Blame keeps our issues someone else’s issues.
How does God remove our blame?
The purity of ownership
Accept you may be the bad guy
Comfort keeps our issues an identity.
How does God remove our comfort?
The purity of courage.
It may be time for change
Justification keeps our issues reasonable.
How does God remove our justification?
The purity of integrity.
Let go of the excuses
It’s best to let our old self die and not treat it like an ex.
There is a grieving process to the death of us and that’s ok.
Romans 5:3
We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Suffering - Want peace
Perseverance - Working for peace
Character - Found peace!
Hope - Spread peace
Suffering with the hope of purpose is the gospel.
There’s no hope for suffering in the old Law. Jesus is the Good News.
You can be saved, but have a hard time spreading the Gospel.
You want peace. Everyone wants peace. You’re not helping.
Working for peace. People are watching to see what happens.
Found peace. You finally achieved it for yourself.
Spread peace. You’re showing others how you did it.
When your character is pure, it makes it easier to spread the gospel.